Projection to the analysis horizon

Using projection factors, the analysis period values of indicators can be extrapolated to any user-defined analysis horizon. If your analysis period is one day and a service trip runs every day throughout the year, you can for example use a projection factor of 365 to calculate the revenue for the entire year. If the service trip only runs on weekdays, you can select a projection factor of 260. Depending on the indicator to be calculated, the projection factor has to either be set for the valid day or for the demand segment (Table 279).

Table 279: Which projection factor applies for the calculation of indicators?

Indicator category

Projection factor Transport supply / Valid day

Projection factor Hourly costs / Valid day

Projection factor by DSeg

General indicators




Transport supply




Network performance




Costs (apart from Cost Time)




Cost Time








The application example makes the difference between the projection factors on valid days and those by the demand segment clear. For trip 135, passenger kilometers and service kilometers are compared to each other.

Table 280: Difference in the projection to AH for ServiceKm and PassengerKm

Valid day

weekdays (Monday to Friday)

Projection factor Transport supply / Valid day


Service kilometers (AP)

7.5 km

Service kilometers (AH)

260 • 7.5 km = 1950 km

Projection factor Demand segment PuT


Passenger kilometers (AP)

397.5 km

Passenger kilometers (AH)

365 • 397.5 km = 145087.5 km